Monday, March 16, 2009

A Mysterious Shit Smell

It's currently 11:08 pm and im sitting in my room (like always) and a mysterious shit smell just overwhelmed me. A sewer may or may not have just been placed in my room somewhere and since i have my headphones on and its dark, i didnt even know. It's so rank right now, and i have no clue what it is because i clearly remember not ripping ass within the last 30 minutes and since im a civilized human being, i know i havent taken a dump anywhere at anytime in my room. Hmmmm mystery in history it is.

ANYWHOEZER!!! i promise i didnt log on just to profile the unknown filth in my room. what i did log on to blog is...well, really? im not sure. i guess ill just do the regular boring thing and cronicle my weekend.

Friday: 1:58 am i finally finished cleaning my room
2:03 am My sister, cuz and cuz's 2 kids got into town
2:07 am my room was already messy since they moved in for the weekend
8:00 Sister's friends came over and we had a little gathering. tons of fun, bonfire, drunk people, i was sober...

2:00 am shower then soon after, went to bed
7:30 am woke up and tamed my mane
8:30 am arrived at my alcohol and drug class. it was supposed to be an 8 hour class lasting untill after 5...needless to say, NOT my idea of a good saturday.
12:00 pm class ends early and im free to go
5:30-9:30 pm 4 hour nap...ridiculous
10:00 played on my computer for 5 hours..."normal"

no morning activity
2:30-8:00 pm played on computer w/ misti
10:00 pm - 6:00 am huuuuuge "sims" marathon...if you have played this game, then you fully understand why i was up for 8 hours playing. most addicting thing in the universe bar none

10:00 woke up to bid farewell to fam
10:03 fell back asleep
12:30 pm woke up
no afternoon activity

Dancing with the stars
easily my biggest guilty pleasure show ever. holy poo. ok so im about to go off on how much i love it. Main reason i love it? Ill give you a clue to my identity in this statement: Im white. Having said that, i feel like i dont need to explain my reasoning for beleiving that i have NOOOOO rythm. when i dance at the clubs or dances or whathaveyou, i typically just do the classic white, rocking back and forth dance. or i church it up and act all crazy and try to be funny more than sexy or cute. This is why i love dancing with the stars (dwts), cuz for how little moves i have, im still fairly sure i could kick all their asses. except this season theres actual talent...that one bachelor chick? damn, after only 48 hours (2 days for those of you mathematically challenged) adn she did that? props. and that french guy...Jill (but spelt manly somehow) sooo sexy. and hes got some groove. and of course who didnt suspect shawn (girl) would be good since she has a funking gold medal...stupid. but those are my 3 favs. the cowboy made me cringe (yet i secretly found him realllllll sexy during this last dance.) and the fatty? KICK HIM THE FUCK OFF!!!!! seriously, katrina (or whatevs his partners name is) obvs hates it. i havent seen her smile once. and hes horid. its a trainwreck on hardwood and nobodies enjoying him. honest to god, worst one of any any any season. gross. ok well thats my story, and im stickin to it.
Also, if you havent heard it, check out pitbulls new song i know you want me...loooove him
but im goin to log off now, to feed my otehr obsession- youtube... and to think that i have real living human being friends. One of which i might actually see tomorrow. this excites me, cuz she radical.
aight, checkin out.
keep it groovy like an old time movie

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