Thursday, March 19, 2009

the noob

Ok so obvs im brand new at this whole blogger thing and i just did my not sure really how i did it or what else i can do to it, but im pretty happy about how it looks right now. i think it kinda maybe sorta more or less has some sort of pizzazz now. aight that was just a quick update ont he changes in my blog life.

chill homes

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

i didnt even have to use my AK

I gotta say it was a good day. actually one of the best ones in a loooong time.

it started out early (for me) and i had to waske up at 730 cuz i was going to coffee at 830. I went and met the most random guy ever and it was this church group leader (no names) because hes going to help me with my community service for my MIP. and we just sat and talked for like 30 minutes and he was suuuper cool about everything so that started everything out well.

THENNNN i went to a different coffee shop to use their wireless and lo and behold a couple of my old HS friends came in so it was cool to talk with them for a bit...however it was NOT cool when the asked how college was that i had to be like uh yeah not going anymore lol talk about feeling super lame...

but evs, then i came home and chilled and lata i went to the dentist. i need to set up a scenario before i begin. If you have seen the glorious movie "office space" then you of course remember the boss who asks peter to "go ahead and come on in on saturday" ok now put his voice and monnotoned delivery in your mind. ok so the dick cleaning my teeth, repeatedly RAPED my gums with the little polisher thing. and each time i would flinch he would use the office space voice and say "op, sorry" literally 16 gums were gusssshing by the end. so needless to say i was in pain. but thats just evs.

so later i hung out with one of my best girlfriends whose back for spring break. and a couple of our guy friends. oh my god it felt soooo good to be out and social after so long in my cave room. it made me realize how bad i need to get out of this funked up depression shit thing im for real.

Ive also decided im going to vut my hair and that im going to ask for that for my birthday which is coming up shortly. and i want to die it too and get my ears peirced and go tanning. if im coming out of this funk and im changing, i might as well go all out and get the works eh? As the great Sheryl crow once croned "i think a change (a change) would do you good (a change would do you good)"

but yeah, anyways. it was all in all a good day and im pretty excited about that.

called up the homies and im askin yall, which park are yall playin basketball? Meet me on the court and im trouble, last week fucked around and got a triple double. freaking niggas everyway like MJ, i cant beleive today was a good day

New sick dope jam yall!!! check out "totally underwater" by shelly poole.

AAAANNND listen to "Any day now" by shelley poole and jack...umm something. i forget his last name

oops didnt mean to type all of that in huuuuge font but its evs.

aight well im callin it a night relativly early tonight so im peacin out. check up on it

i aint no holla back guuuurl

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Mysterious Shit Smell

It's currently 11:08 pm and im sitting in my room (like always) and a mysterious shit smell just overwhelmed me. A sewer may or may not have just been placed in my room somewhere and since i have my headphones on and its dark, i didnt even know. It's so rank right now, and i have no clue what it is because i clearly remember not ripping ass within the last 30 minutes and since im a civilized human being, i know i havent taken a dump anywhere at anytime in my room. Hmmmm mystery in history it is.

ANYWHOEZER!!! i promise i didnt log on just to profile the unknown filth in my room. what i did log on to blog is...well, really? im not sure. i guess ill just do the regular boring thing and cronicle my weekend.

Friday: 1:58 am i finally finished cleaning my room
2:03 am My sister, cuz and cuz's 2 kids got into town
2:07 am my room was already messy since they moved in for the weekend
8:00 Sister's friends came over and we had a little gathering. tons of fun, bonfire, drunk people, i was sober...

2:00 am shower then soon after, went to bed
7:30 am woke up and tamed my mane
8:30 am arrived at my alcohol and drug class. it was supposed to be an 8 hour class lasting untill after 5...needless to say, NOT my idea of a good saturday.
12:00 pm class ends early and im free to go
5:30-9:30 pm 4 hour nap...ridiculous
10:00 played on my computer for 5 hours..."normal"

no morning activity
2:30-8:00 pm played on computer w/ misti
10:00 pm - 6:00 am huuuuuge "sims" marathon...if you have played this game, then you fully understand why i was up for 8 hours playing. most addicting thing in the universe bar none

10:00 woke up to bid farewell to fam
10:03 fell back asleep
12:30 pm woke up
no afternoon activity

Dancing with the stars
easily my biggest guilty pleasure show ever. holy poo. ok so im about to go off on how much i love it. Main reason i love it? Ill give you a clue to my identity in this statement: Im white. Having said that, i feel like i dont need to explain my reasoning for beleiving that i have NOOOOO rythm. when i dance at the clubs or dances or whathaveyou, i typically just do the classic white, rocking back and forth dance. or i church it up and act all crazy and try to be funny more than sexy or cute. This is why i love dancing with the stars (dwts), cuz for how little moves i have, im still fairly sure i could kick all their asses. except this season theres actual talent...that one bachelor chick? damn, after only 48 hours (2 days for those of you mathematically challenged) adn she did that? props. and that french guy...Jill (but spelt manly somehow) sooo sexy. and hes got some groove. and of course who didnt suspect shawn (girl) would be good since she has a funking gold medal...stupid. but those are my 3 favs. the cowboy made me cringe (yet i secretly found him realllllll sexy during this last dance.) and the fatty? KICK HIM THE FUCK OFF!!!!! seriously, katrina (or whatevs his partners name is) obvs hates it. i havent seen her smile once. and hes horid. its a trainwreck on hardwood and nobodies enjoying him. honest to god, worst one of any any any season. gross. ok well thats my story, and im stickin to it.
Also, if you havent heard it, check out pitbulls new song i know you want me...loooove him
but im goin to log off now, to feed my otehr obsession- youtube... and to think that i have real living human being friends. One of which i might actually see tomorrow. this excites me, cuz she radical.
aight, checkin out.
keep it groovy like an old time movie

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

really quickly

i made a promise to myself that i would write the next day (which technically is today but i was referring to yesterday) so here i am.

i did absolutely nothing today either...i cleaned my room a little bit more but its still not even close to being finished. but i have untill thrusday night for that to be done. ok well i have to get up at 7 tomorrow babysit. then after that since ill be up before 1, im going to town to finally take care of some business. alright, im pooped.

keep it real


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

prepare for a truely emo post... ew

heres your warning if your reading this:
I'm about to go off on the most random and spur of the moment tangent on my feelings ever. there will no doubt be PLENTY of spelling and gramatical errors for which i will not backtrack to fix. im simply giong to type what comes through my brain and it might not make sense but its how im feeling.

Having said that, if you decide to continue on and read whatever lies ahead, i do not appologize for what i write. i only say that its been a...umm, "difficult" month or so for me. and writing is my ony way to express it and what better wayt o do that then where every one and their moms can witness it...

here we go:

its currently the mornign hours of march 10 and for give or take, 40 days, i have done absolutely nothign beneficial in my life. seriously. ive spent an honest to god 67% of my time holes up in my room doing nothing. i often just sit and think about what i wish i could be doing or what i want to do in my future. but do i act upin any of these thoughts or try to acheive my dreams? that a big fatty no. i sit here and just ponder life...yet while pondering it, i forget to live it. one of my favorite ever quotes is an old proverb and all it says is, "A rolling stone gathers no moss". when i first read that a few years ago in my head i made a promise to myself to live by that adage for as long as i lived...yet here i am, the greatest hypocrite ive ever seen... i disgust myself with how unbeneficial i am to this planet.

and on top of that, im ashamed. im ashamed that ive turned into exactly the stereotype that i always detested and said i would never be. the college dropout who stays in her small hometown of "turtle's nest" (dont want to reveal my location). i have no job, all of my firends are away at college or out doing something for themselves, so long story short, i have no llife. I sit here, sit on my bed, or in my red chair, or on the floor, or on the couch...and i just sit. i dont do anytihng productive, i just sit. sit and ponder.

im not M.D. but if i were, i would say that im diagnosably depressed. i dont even know how to explain how much i disgust myself these days. im gaining weight (which for me is something ive never encountered. ive always been super athletic with a high metabolism) and so obvs, my self image is falling out my butt and this only leads me to detest myself that much more. i made fun of the people who didnt leave turtles nest after high school and said i hope they enjoyed living in the trailor park for awhile...karmas a bithc eh?

the worst part though, is the shame i feel. i lie to my friends when they ask what ive been up to. i say ive just been kickin it around town, just taking a breather...little do they know i sometimes stop breathing. its childish and obviously irrational, but if i hold my breath and close my eyes, sometimes it just feels like time is slowing down. and maybe i think that if it slows down enough, ill be able to catch up and get back on trakc...obvs this hasnt helped me since here i sit, at 2:24 writing my soul out onto my computer for anyone to read and judge me... judge all you fucking watn. i garantee, however much you judge me, its not even a smidgen of what i judge myself. im my own worst enemy in the most literal form of the statement.

By no means am i self mutilative (i dont even fucking know if thats a word) but i think about it sometimes. i culd never bring myself to do anything like cutting or whatever...but i think maybe itll help me. physical pain has always driven me. like during sports i would push myself to the brink of puking, and i would love it. love knowing that im bringing myself that much pain and that i control when it stops and how much it gets to before i stop it. having that much control drove me to participate in daily life i think...if im being honest, i had never even thought up this idea or theory untill just now. that whole train of thought is completely original to me. hmm thats intrigueing to me.

maybe thats whats oging on. im a control freak who lacks the ability to trust. and so as all my friendships (many of which i was controlling/bitchy in)fall apart, and as i sit and rot away, ive lost both control and anybody to confide in. hence why ive ended up here, speaking to the globe, instead of to my best freind. who really doesnt even know me at all. weve grown apart and she doesnt realize it and i just feed that lie... im destructive. i can only hold on to a good thing for so long before i subtley begin destroying it. its so true its creepy.

this is it, im deciding right here, right now. tomorrow i get shit taken care of. i get up before my normal 12:30/1:00 and do something. i promise to my blog that ill write tomorrow. and im holding myself to that promise. im diong this cuz its apparent from my just recent ramblings, that i can talk/type myself out of this depression. i just need to write it, then read it and eventually ill get myself out of this fucking funk im in. itll happen, but ive got to start this ball rolling. all this inspiration is just aditionally fueled by the tim mcgraw song im currenlty listenign to. its called a place in the sun and im going to claim it as some sort of sign. ok well its 2:40 now, which means ive been typing for over a half hour now (this is not constant typing, i stopped and zoned out probably like 3 times throughout this epic saga of a blog entry). im need to go to sleep so i can get up while its techinally still morning and do something about my good for nothing life. cuz its ridiculous.

Ok closing statement:

im sick and tired of my good for nothign life. i want to be usefull. i want to have a purpose. i want to be something to somebody. and i want somebody to mean something to me. i want the old, normal me back. and im going to start climbing that cliff, tomorrow. no matter what, ill get back. ill be me. and ill get on with it. ill get something started. im giong to appologize ONLY for the spelling and gramatical errors that are EVERYWHERE in this. its grosses me out how horid it is. i can ony imagine if my english teacher glanced at this. she was my favorite but shed probably straight up bitch slap me. hopefully this will also be the last "emo" blog. really, im a funny person. but i just needed to get this out. whew, ok well sleep tight g spice.

stay tuned, im cool...not like this ^^^ but a fun cool.


p.s. this is the timmy song i was talking about...its very country and kinda preachy...neither of which i am...
check up on it if ya want...not pressuring you to though :]

peace out bizzzz

-B jr.

p.s.s. haha in case you were some ocassions, emo are the intials for "eat me out" haha just a fun fact for you. so go enjoy yourself emo kids...we all know what your really doing now

lata skata

-B the third